Rotational therapy-. longitudinal axis, in the intensive care unit
Pulmonary atelectasis, Motion therapy, contínuos passíve, Respiratory therapy, intensive care unitsAbstract
This study verified and summarízed the effects and protocols of rotational therapy for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary compfications in patients of
intensive care units. A systematÊc review of the literature found in the Li:acs, MedLine, Cochrane Central Register Controlled Trials, Division Librarian at Stanford University and Physiotherapy Evidence Database databases was done. Randomized
controlled triaÊs published from 2000 to 2008 were included. Seven studies were selected, one of which being multicentric, totaling 573 patients. The goals of the interventíons in three and four studies. respectively, were to prevent and treat pulmonary complications, Rotaüonal therapy was used as kinetic therapy in two
trials, and continuous lateral rotation therapy in the remainder. Some of the main outcomes were low incidence of pneumonia (n=3), low incidence and risk of
developing lobar atelectasís (n=1 ), improvement of the PaO/FiO, ratio in patients with acute lung injury (n=1) and increased expectoration of sputum (n=1 ).
Rotational therapy can be an adjunctive therapy in the treatment and prevention of puÊmonary complications considering the clinical and physiologícal outcornes
seen in critically iII patients, However, further studies are needed to confirm these results.
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