Socio-demographic and health aspects and the degree of satisfaction of the elderly institutionalized in the Federal District, Brazil


  • Núbia Pereira de Araújo
  • Dassis Cajubá da Costa Britto Filho
  • Fabiana de Luccas dos Santos
  • Rafael Vinhal da Costa
  • Thayana Louize Vicentini Zoccoli
  • Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi Novaes


Aged, Health of the elderly, Houses for the aged


To analyze socio-demographic and health aspects of the elderly institutionalized in
the Federal District, Brazil, and their level of satisfaction in relatíon to their institution
This is a transversal, descriptive, and exploratory study. The sample was composed
of 187 elderly people permanently resident in Long-Stay Residences for Elderly
People. in the Federal District, Brazil, The selection of the subjects was done from
convenience. A questionnaire was used that focused on socio-demographic
aspects, physical and mental health conditions, nutritional habits, medication
and lifestyle. The subjects' nutritional status was assessed using a Nutritional
Mini-evaluation. The institution’s medical records were analyzed in order to
supplement data on illnesses and medication, This analysis was performed on
the Statistical Analysis System Program, version 9,2. The associations between
gender and nutritional status were made using Pearson’s Chi-square Test, with a
significance level of 5%; the associations between gender and the amount of
medication taken were made using the Students' t Test and the Mann-Whitney Test.
56.70c’/, of the subjects were female,' 50.80a/, received family vísits; 71 .40c’/, were
satisfied with their institution, and 41.17c)/, considered themselves healthy. The
most prevalent diseases were hypertension, depression. and diabetes mellitus.
62.57c’/, of the subjects were taking three or more medications, regardless of
gender (p=0.0905). 17.65')/, of eíderly women displayed malnutrition and 55.880/,
showed a risk of malnutrition; their nutritional status was worse than that of
elderly men (p=O.0440). 59.40% of subjects are accustomed to going for a walk
without dífficufty and 85.00%, feed themselves without any help. The elderly
men showed greater autonomy and independence in recognízing money
(p=0.0051), dressing themselves (p=0.0123) and taking a shower (p=0,0188}.
The data found in the study are in accordance with national data, They suggest
that it is necessary to implement effícient care policies for elderly people, especially
those who are institutionalized.


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How to Cite

Araújo, N. P. de, Britto Filho, D. C. da C., Santos, F. de L. dos, Costa, R. V. da, Zoccoli, T. L. V., & Novaes, M. R. C. G. (2008). Socio-demographic and health aspects and the degree of satisfaction of the elderly institutionalized in the Federal District, Brazil. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 17(3/6). Retrieved from



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