Rates of positive allergy skin tests among library and medical record archive workers


  • Jaime Olbrich Neto
  • Marco Antonio Leite
  • Itamar José Costa Resende
  • Antonio Zuliani
  • Sandra Regina Leite Rosa Olbrich
  • Alessandra Aparecida Correa


Mites, Library, medical, Hypersensitivity, Skin tests


The objective of this study was to determine the rate of positive allergy skin tests among workers of two libraríes and a medical record archive of a university since many of them believed to be allergic.
This is a cross-sectional study done with workers of libraries and a medical record
archive consisüng of interview, stool test, prick test, total lgE levels and blood test.
A total of 62 workers were assessed of which 40 (64.52%) reacted to at least one of the seven allergens tested' The greatest reaction rate was to acari (48.39%) followed by molds (37.10%), house dust (30.65%), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinos (27.42%),
cockroaches (lg.35%), latex (1 6.13%) and pollens (14.52%). Reaction rates were not
influenced by working place or age. Total lgE, eosinophils and stool tests did not díffer
in workers with positive skin test results.
The rate of positive skin tests was high, yet it was not possible to determine if allergíc
sensitization occurred at home or at work.


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How to Cite

Olbrich Neto, J., Leite, M. A., Resende, I. J. C., Zuliani, A., Olbrich, S. R. L. R., & Correa, A. A. (2008). Rates of positive allergy skin tests among library and medical record archive workers. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 17(1). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/740



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