Main manual kinesiotherapeutic maneuvers used in the respiratory physiotherapy: description of techniques


  • Richard Eloin Liebano
  • Ana Maria Saad Hassen
  • Heloisa Helena Mazzi Jorge Racy
  • Juliana Barbosa Corrêa


Respiratory tract diseases, Physical therapy modalities, Respiratory therapy


During many years, the manual kinesiotherapeutic maneuvers have being used in individuaIs with pulmonary-compromised function whose clinical picture favors the inefficacious elimination of the present secretion in the aerial ways. Manual kinesíotherapeutic maneuvers is a term designed to nominate the group of non-invasive manual techniques, whose main purpose is to promote the eliminatíon of the restrained secretion in the respiratory aerial ways, prevenüng and minimizing possible pneumopathy complications. This study had as objective a literature review to describe the main manual kinesiotherapeutic maneuvers (clapping or pulmonary percussions, expiratory pressure, pulmonary vibration and shaking) used in respiratory physical therapy. It was realized a literature review in articles and books with the objective to describe the cited maneuvers. It was concluded that there is a lacking of a pattern in the nomenclature of manual physical therapy maneuvers, besides the necessity of studies with a good methodologicaí quality with the aim of definite the appropriately way of
application techniques, increasing their effectiveness in the treatment of pulrnonary diseases.


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How to Cite

Liebano, R. E., Hassen, A. M. S., Racy, H. H. M. J., & Corrêa, J. B. (2009). Main manual kinesiotherapeutic maneuvers used in the respiratory physiotherapy: description of techniques. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 18(1). Retrieved from


