Aspects of the sleep-wake cycf e and mood states in nurses from different work shifts


  • Claudia Aparecida Rosa da Silva
  • Milva Maria Figueiredo De Martino


Emotions, Nursing, Shift work, Sleep


The main objecüve of this study were to describe the sleep-wake cycle of nurses
as a function of their work shifts. identify changes in their sleep patterns, and
ídentify their mood states during work.
This study included 53 nurses from a University Hospital in Campinas (São Paulo-
Brazil) working different shifts. The 30-hour workweek shifts were as follows: mornings from 6h55 a.m. to Ih10 p.m. and afternoons from 1 h p.m. to 7h15 p.m. The night shift was from 7h05 p.m. to 7h05 a.m. followed by 60 hours off duty. The following questionnaíres were used: Evaluation of sleep-wake cycle
and Present Mood States List.
The results showed that morning-shift nurses woke up earlier than those of other shifts but they did not go to bed earlier. Sleep patterns of afternoon-shift nurses were not affected. Night-shift nurses síept less and woke up often during their daytime sleep. The emotional profile of the nurses changed over the work shift
In conclusíon, the morning and night shifts negatively affected the quality and duration of the nurses' sleep and the changes in emotional states may be associated with the occupation itself.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. A. R. da, & Martino, M. M. F. D. (2009). Aspects of the sleep-wake cycf e and mood states in nurses from different work shifts. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 18(1). Retrieved from



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