Heart rate variability in normal weight and obese children in supine and biped positions
Heart rate, Obesity, Autonomic nervous systemAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze possible changes on the cardiac sympathovagal balance of obese and normal weight children in the supine and standing positions.
Thirty healthy children aged 9 to 11 years were studied. They were classified into two groups: group A, consisting of 15 normal weight children and group B, consisting of 15 obese children. The heartbeat of all children was recorded and analyzed with specific software, allowing the cardiac sympathovagal balance to be calculated by the heart rate variability. The t-test and the Wilcoxon tests were used to compare these data. The significance level was set at p≤0.05.
The obese group presented greater values for all body perimeters. The heart rate variability, in the frequency domain, measured in normalized units, showed a
significant elevation of the sympathetic activity and reduction of the parasympathetic activity in the standing position as compared with the supine
position for both groups. There was no difference between the groups, suggesting that the elevated heart rate observed in this situation was dependent on similar autonomic regulations present in both groups.
In conclusion, the heart rate variability both in the supine and the standing position did not present autonomic cardiac changes due to childhood obesity, suggesting that cardiac autonomic modulation was not influenced by excess body weight in the age range and degree of obesity of the studied group.
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