Relationship between depression and diabetes Mellitus
Chronic disease, Depression, Diabetes MellitusAbstract
To review studies examining the possible relationship between depression and diabetes Mellitus.
Articles were searched in the following databases: the Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences, the Scientific Library Online, Base in Nursing and Pubmed. The search was limited to articles published between January 2000 and October 2010. Search terms included: “diabetes”, “depression”, “chronic diseases” and “psychiatric disorders”.
A total of 21 articles which examined the relationship between diabetes and depression were included in the present paper. There is a bidirectional relationship between these two chronic diseases. Diabetes could lead to depression due its effects on the quality life of patients, its complications and the difficulty in treatment adhesion. Depression could lead to diabetes on account of alterations in glucose transport function and increased immunoninflamatory activation, which could contribute to insulin resistance and beta islet cell dysfunction.
There is a bidirectional relation between diabetes and depression and the nature of this relation is still unclear. However, this research contributes to the comprehension of this relation and possible mechanisms involved, since both diseases should be monitored and deserve attention from health professionals.
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