Actions of oral health promotion in hospitaIs
Quality of life, Health promotion, Oral healthAbstract
This study used a semi-structured questionnaíre to verify how nurses. technicians, and nursing assistants perceive oral health promotion and their activities in the city of Gurupi Tocantins. Brazil.
The data collection was through the development and application of a questionnaire which had open and closed questions.
Almost half of the respondents (48.9%) perceived oral health promotion as oral hygiene, followed by disease prevention (45.7%). Everyone stated that oral health promotion in hospitais is important because it consists of preventing general infecüons (34.40%) and provides patients with quality of life (32.2%). Most (77,4%) claimed to promote oral health by brushíng teeth (44.3%) and removing food debris with spatula and gauze (240%), among others, at the workplace, However, these activities are only performed when the patient is debilitated, bedridden, or íncapable of doing it himself (84.9%)
Oral health in hospitaIs has problems that can affect patients' general health, reduce their quality of life, and worsen the disease that required the hospitalization' This is due to the health team’s lack of information and training on oral health and the poor cleaning process. Therefore, specific measures are necessary to get closer to an ideal level of care.
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