Informative meetings with epileptic patientes

multidisciplinary action


  • Lucinda Maria Garcia de Tella Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Lineu Corrêa Fonseca Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


pacient education, epilepsy, patient care team


Although the scientific knowledges about Epilepsy have
been advanced last decades, the acceptance of the epileptic patient by his family and society has been below as wished. Many of the detected psychosocial problems result from misinterpretations on the concept and management of this condition. The objective of this article is to report the experience of informative lectures about Epilepsy, developed by multidisciplinary staff (neurologist, psychologist, social assistent), to the epileptic patientes and relatives, treate at the Serviço de Neurologia do HMCP - Puccamp. During 34 months, it was realized 15 lectures; from 234 participantes and 113 answered questinnaire to evaluate the benefits of these lecture. Most of the patients (91%) were aided, showing interest by all that it was presented to them. The patients, questions and their evidence confirm the lack of information about Epilepsy. The informative aspects can't be forgotten in the theatment of the Eplepsy and ways of comunications of the informations be stimulated. 


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How to Cite

Tella, L. M. G. de, & Fonseca, L. C. (1993). Informative meetings with epileptic patientes: multidisciplinary action. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 2(1/3). Retrieved from



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