Study of blood transfusion realized in Hospital e Maternidade Celso Pierro - PUCCAMP
blood transfusion, plasmaAbstract
We prospectivelly analysed 333 blood transfusion requests received by the Banco de Sangue do IIospitat Celso Pierro - PUCCAMP between 03103192 and 04126192. This study comprehends an analysis of the blood component requested (type and amount) and the clinical and laboratory setting of the receptor (blood courtts, coagulation tests, protein eletrophoresis).Theserequests were considered a ppropriales or not based on classical blood transfusion guidelines (American Association of Blood Bank. 1990). Tlris analysis determined that 58% (193) of the requests met guidelines, while42% (140) did not comply with them. Plasma derivat ives were the commonest blood components with inappropriate indication, corresponding 61% of these requests. These results are significant and considerable efforts are necessary
to optimize the use of blood components and reduce the potentially adverse effects related to blood.
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