incidence and peculiarities at the Pulmonary Service of Hospital e Maternidade Celso Pierro - PUCCAMP
tuberculosis, diagnose, biopsyAbstract
A retrospective study of cases of Tuberculosis (TB) was carried out at the Pulmonary Service of Hospital e Maternidade celso Pierro - FCM - PUCCAMP in the period of January 1993 until January 1994. Thirty one cases of TB were confirmed with predominance of male and with age between 40-50 years. Pulmonary form of the disease occurred in 90% of the patients and extrapulmonary form occurred in 10% of them. The diagnosis was obtained through the Baciloscopi of pulmonary secretion (70.96%) and through pleural and transbronchial biopsy (3.22%). For the cases with diagnosis not very clear with the routine method, the therapeutic test was applied and the diagnosis was confirmed in 22.58%. The data obtained in this study have correlation with national and international literature.
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