HIV virus and surgery


  • Milton Chohfi
  • Eduardo Alexandrino Servolo de Medeiros
  • Fernando Baldy dos Reis


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, risk, surgery, communicable disease control, hepatitis viruses


The risks of HIV viral transmission for orthopaedic surgeons and others healthcare profissionais during and operation have been reviewed. The authors presented the actual status of this infection in our environment, some aspects of the viral transmission, the evolution of this illness and its diagnostic procedures. They also analysed the accidents which may occur during an operation and the potential risks for the healthcare professionals involved in it. They stated that routine screening of all patients undergoing operations must be avoided because it is neither effective nor legal and advocated universal precautions for all patients in order to prevent their risks of HIV infection. Finally they recommended some procedures to be done in case of accidents during an HIV patient treatment.


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How to Cite

Chohfi, M., Medeiros, E. A. S. de, & Reis, F. B. dos. (1995). HIV virus and surgery . Revista De Ciências Médicas, 4(2). Retrieved from



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