Psychiatric manifestations of premenstrual syndrome: literature review


  • Monica Sueli Barbosa Vilela
  • Lêda Maria Bocchi de Souza
  • Claudemir Benedito Rapelli


late luteous phase, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle


The objective of this paper is to find out which are the main criteria and instruments used for the diagnosis of Psychiatric Manifestations of Premenstrual Syndrome. We emphasize the importance of diferential diagnosis between psychiatric problems that have their symptoms increased during the late luteous phase of the menstrual cycle and the psychiatric manifestations due to Premenstrual Syndrome. Several studies suggest a limit score in psychiatric scales to distinguish both. The most used scales are: Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Hopkins Symptom Checklist-90.

The methodology used was the analysis of publication about this subject from 1992 to 1995. The conclusion is that there are several instruments used to determine the diagnosis in question, hut there is no consensus about an ideal one. The GnRH agonists, as well as fluoxetine, alprazolam and Beta-endorphins, are being considered therapeutical.


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How to Cite

Vilela, M. S. B., Souza, L. M. B. de, & Rapelli, C. B. (1996). Psychiatric manifestations of premenstrual syndrome: literature review. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 5(1). Retrieved from



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