DIAGFACE: a knowledge base and expert system for the diagnosis of oral and facial pathologies
expert systems, dentistry, medical informatics, face, mouthAbstract
This paper reports a support system to decision in Dentistry, called DIAGFACE, developed with the aim of helping dentists in the differential diagnosis of about 150 oral and facial pathologies more commonly found in the clinical practice. Its main characteristic is the structuring of a flexible dialogue with the user, by means of menus, key words and questions in natural language, it is used a large knowledge base, constituted of relational records and a collection of production rules, and techniques o/ linear search and of forward and backward chaining are applied. The program has four modules which allow the user to make consultations in four ways: l. by the symptoms; 2. by the region; 3. by the pathologv; 4. by an expert system based upon rules.
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