Exclusive breast-feeding in rooming-in care: evaluation of the incidence and causes of the use of formula feeding


  • Luiz Maria Pinto
  • Márcia Regina de Azevedo Caldas Léon
  • Maria Cristina Ferraz Zagari
  • Nélida Maria Fernandes Farias
  • Verónica Cecilia Hodar Luengo


breast-feeding, rooming-in care


The hospital practice to stimulate breast-feeding is to give priority to normal delivery, close contact between mother and child Immediately after birth and first breast-feeding within six hours post-delivery Mothers are also urged to avoid supplementation with other types of milk or any other liquids, including water or tea, as well as not to use pacifiers to calm down the children. A prospective interference-free study was performed, in the period of November 27, 1995 to February 23, 1996, in which residents of the Pediatrics Department of the Medical Sciences Faculty of the Catholic University of the City of Campinas (PUCCAMP, São Paulo - Brazil) registered the dietary history of 507 newborns lodged with their mothers at the rooming-in care of PUCCAMP hospital, from the moment of birth to the date of hospital discharge. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency and causes of the utilization of foodstuffs other than breast milk for low risk children. The results showed a frequency of 12% before entering the rooming-in care and of 9% afterwards. Among the main risk factors for the lower frequency of exclusive breast-feeding, there were the type of delivery, which had statistical test results indicating that infants born from Cesarean deliveries receive more supplements, and the delay in entering the rooming-in care, with periods of over five hours being responsible for statistical significance (p<0.001) in higher frequency of supplementary practices. The most relevant causes of late entering the rooming-in care were delays in concluding labor routine (51,4%) and difficulties in transporting mothers from the maternity ward to the rooming-in care (26%). Births which occurred during working days and in the morning period indicated higher statistical risks(p<0.001) for supplementation with formulas or glucose solution. The study led to the conclusion that the factors that interfed negatively in the practice of breast-feeding in the Universitv hospital service were of medical order and institutional structure.


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How to Cite

Pinto, L. M., Léon, M. R. de A. C., Zagari, M. C. F., Farias, N. M. F., & Luengo, V. C. H. (1996). Exclusive breast-feeding in rooming-in care: evaluation of the incidence and causes of the use of formula feeding. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 5(2). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1394



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