Preliminary results of the use of wave plate for the treatment of refractures and nonunion of the femoral shaft


  • Fernando Baldy dos Reis
  • Ralph Walter Christian
  • José Carlos Bongiovanni
  • Nelson Mattiolli Leite
  • Pedro Francisco Tucci Neto
  • Cirilo Luiz Pardo Meo Muraro


pseufarthrosis, femoral fractures, fracture fixation internal


The authors show a retrospective study on 6 patients with implant failure (AO-ASIF dynamic compression plate), delayed union or nonunion of the femoral shaft, and one case of recent fracture. AII patients were operated on using a wave plate associated with corticocancellous bone graft taken front the iliac crest, preserving the local periosteal vascularization. No patient had the femur shortened or infected in both immediate and late postoperative period. Only one pacient (16.6%) developed angular deformity due to inadequate plate shaping during operation the; average time of healing was 5.3 Months. The conclusion is that this method is a satisfactory option for the treatment of delayed union and nonunion of the femoral shaft associated with implant failure.


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How to Cite

Reis, F. B. dos, Christian, R. W., Bongiovanni, J. C., Leite, N. M., Tucci Neto, P. F., & Muraro, C. L. P. M. (1997). Preliminary results of the use of wave plate for the treatment of refractures and nonunion of the femoral shaft . Revista De Ciências Médicas, 6(1). Retrieved from



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