Stomach non-adenocarcinoma neoplasms

report of four cases


  • Cirilo Luiz Pardo de Meo Muraro
  • Plínio Conte de Faria Jr.
  • Francisco Paulo Tibúrcio Lucena
  • Luís Frederico Gerbase de Oliveira
  • Tomaz de Azevedo Lomonaco Neto


neoplasms, stomach, lymphoma, leiomyosarcoma, plasmacytoma


The authors analyzed four patients, two men and two women from 40 to 75 years old, Who had stomach non-adenocarcinoma neoplasm, diagnosed and treated at the Surgery Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at PUC-Campinas in the Discipline of Digestive System Diseases I. The diagnoses were based on the esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopy. Two of them were lymphoma, one plasmacytoma and the other leiomyosarcoma. These four patients represented 7.5% of stomach neoplasm dianosed in our service; most of the cases were adenocarcinoma (49 patients). Two patients undenvent a gastrectomy (one partial and other total), and the other two were considered unresectable during the laparotomy. One patient died in the postoperative period, one did not return for the follow-up, and the other two are having the follow up after chemotherapy, without recurrence until now. The authors emphasized the importance of correct diagnosis of stomach non-adenocarcinoma neoplasm to permit the ideal treatment.


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How to Cite

Muraro, C. L. P. de M., Faria Jr., P. C. de, Lucena, F. P. T., Oliveira, L. F. G. de, & Lomonaco Neto, T. de A. (1998). Stomach non-adenocarcinoma neoplasms: report of four cases. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 7(1). Retrieved from



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