
  • Rodrigo Montandon Esteves Pires
  • Ana Paula Fernandes de Almeida
  • Andréa Mariotto
  • Luís Paulo Beltrame
  • Cláudia Valéria Pereira
  • Rubens Bonfiglioli
  • José Roberto Provenza


multiple myeloma, blood protein electrophoresis, beta-globulins


The present work relates a case of a 82-year-oldpatient, with sudden backpain and crumbling of 7th thoracic vertebra, whose serwn protein electrophoresis showed a monoclonal peak at the betaglobulin fraction, an unusual find that occurs only in 10% of Multiple Myeloma cases. The patient underwent a sternal bone marrow aspiration puncture. The myelogram showed 70% of isolated and aggregated plamocytes, some of them dysplasic and binucleated, compatible with Multiple Myeloma. Treatment with chemotherapy, using Alkeran and Prednisone, started in January 2000, and the patient soon presented clinical-laboratorial recovery.


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How to Cite

Pires, R. M. E., Almeida, A. P. F. de, Mariotto, A., Beltrame, L. P., Pereira, C. V., Bonfiglioli, R., & Provenza, J. R. (2000). MULTIPLE MYELOMA WITH A MONOCLONAL PEAK AT BETA-GLOBULIN FRACTION: CASE REPORT. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 9(3). Retrieved from



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