
  • Mário Augusto Paschoal


blood pressure, tilt-table test, respiratory physical therapy, dynamic exercise


Two situations of cardiocirculatory stress are showed. In one of them, at rest conditions, the stress occurs by the postural change - supine to Trendelenburg posture (body positioned with head down the limbs and thorax - "head down tilt ") and stay during 5 minutes in this position; and in the other, the stress occurs by the stimulus of progressive dynamic exercise until 125 W. The variable studied in both stress situations was the blood pressure and the study concluded that in the Trendelenburg position a sensible oscillation (5 to 10 mmHg) "diastolic and systolic blood pressure occurred, while during dynamic exercise performed on cycle ergometer the diastolic blood pressure was practically steady during all the test and the systolic blood pressure increased significantly (p< 0. 05) at each raise of workload.


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How to Cite

Paschoal, M. A. (2000). BLOOD PRESSURE RESPONSES AT TRENDELENBURG POSTURE AND DURING DYNAMIC EXERCISE. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 9(3). Retrieved from



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