
  • Aparecida Érica Bighetti
  • Márcia Aparecida Antônio
  • João Ernersto de Carvalho


gastric acid, hydrochloric acid, Pharmaceutical preparations, peptic ulcer


Increased hydrochloric acid secretion, as well as changes in mucosal integrity and gastric cytoprotection factors, may contribute to the multifactorial pathogenesis of peptic ulcers. Currently, the treatment of this disease is generally based on the inhibition of gastric acid secretion by histamine H2 receptor blockers or by inhibition of the proton pump or, even, by the use of antimuscarinics. The use of cytoprotective medications was restricted to carbenoxolone and misoprostol, which have several contraindications. Therefore, research into cytoprotective agents may give rise to adjuvant drugs or even alternatives to treatment with antisecretory agents.


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How to Cite

Bighetti, A. Érica, Antônio, M. A., & Carvalho, J. E. de. (2002). REGULATION AND MODULATION OF GASTRIC SECRETION. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 11(1). Retrieved from


