breast, breast neoplasms, mastectomy, radiotherapy, drug therapyAbstract
When breast cancer is diagnosed, there are several therapeutic options available to women, implying some degree of suffering, especially when undergoing mastectomy. In addition to this surgical procedure, many women face complementary radiation and chemotherapy treatments, which are also aggressive. Seeking to understand the opinions of post-operative women, this study aimed to understand the meaning of mastectomy for patients undergoing follow-up at the Mastology Outpatient Clinic, radio and chemotherapy sectors. The interviews were carried out using open questions: What are your concerns about the surgical treatment you underwent? How are your social and daily activities after surgery or radiation and chemotherapy? The descriptions were evaluated by content analysis proposed by Bardin in 1977. In the relationship with herself, the following categories were identified: feeling of impotence, mutilation, pain and limitation, fear of incapacity and need to care for the body. In relationships with other people, the concealment of the mutilation and the difficulty in the marital relationship emerged when women reported feeling exposed to their mutilated body, leading them to feel ashamed of their partner. Breast reconstruction is desired by the majority of patients interviewed. Coping strategies, leisure activities and optimism appeared as possibilities to help re-elaborate a new existential project.
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