non-insulin-dependent, diabetes mellitus, insulindependent, glycemic control, health education, epidemology, treatment, nurse cliniciansAbstract
This study aimed to outline the profile of the clientele served in a Diabetes Outpatient Clinic of a university hospital in relation to gender, age, marital status, origin, duration of illness, hospitalization, medications used and glycemic control. 114 medical records were analyzed (50% men and 50% women) referring to 15% of patients treated over a period of 18 months. The predominant age range was from 4 to 60 years (41.2%); 85.1% of individuals had type 2 diabetes; 27.2% had been diabetic for 2-5 years and 29.8% for 16 years or more. The majority of the studied population had already been hospitalized, the main reasons being hyperglycemia (27.5%) and vasculopathies (11.6%); Most were using insulin and 63.1% of patients had poor glycemic control, using glycosylated hemoglobin as a reference. Only 16.7% had a nursing consultation. It is concluded that this study provided important data on the profile of diabetics, contributing to the knowledge of the clientele.
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