corneal transplantation, cornea, corneal opacity, corneal diseasesAbstract
To analyze the indications for corneal transplantation at the Hospital das Clínicas at Unicamp, from January 1995 to December 1997.
A retrospective study was carried out on the medical records of patients who underwent corneal transplantation at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, from January 1995 to December 1997, with a follow-up period of at least six months. Data were obtained from archived medical records, with surgical description and complete pre- and postoperative examinations.
It was observed that, in the 125 eyes studied, aspects related to the survival of the donor cornea, such as the type of surgery (simple transplant in 102 eyes, i.e., 81.6% of cases), the underlying disease (keratoconus in 53 eyes-42.4%) and associated factors (cataracts, infection, glaucoma, vascular diseases), are very similar to other studies. The presence of 40 eyes with corneal opacity (32%) at the end of the follow-up was explained by the large number of tectonic transplants performed during the period.
The immunological factor is still the most responsible for the loss of corneal transplants, but social and technical aspects, such as the patient's access to the healthcare system and the time between harvesting and transplantation, if improved, can contribute to successful survival. of the cornea.
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