physical activity, exercise, child, adolescents, public healthAbstract
This review aims to inform pediatricians and other health professionals about the most recent studies addressing the importance of physical activity among children and adolescents and its impact on individual and collective health.
The bibliographical research was carried out in the databases Medline, from 1966 to 2001, and Lilacs, from 1979 to 2001, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, using the keywords: physical activity, exercise, children and adolescents.
Promoting an active lifestyle during childhood and adolescence has a strong influence on the pattern of growth and development. In addition to the health benefits, it offers opportunities for leisure, socialization and development of skills, providing better self-esteem and confidence.
Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle represent a real public health problem. There is an urgent demand for effective programs aimed at promoting more active lifestyles. For children and adolescents, school is the most promising place where practices to promote physical activity can be applied.
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