pneumonia, pleural effusion, atelectasis, childAbstract
To evaluate the frequency and main characteristics of pneumonia in children aged zero to 13 years, treated at the Pediatric Emergency Room of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
A retrospective analysis was carried out, through systematic sampling, of 3,375 records relating to a total of 29,533 consultations carried out between January 1st and December 31st, 1999.
In our sample, pneumonia was the second cause of care; 53.8% of patients were male and 24.9% were aged between zero and one year. Regarding radiological findings, 94.9% presented only opacities, 3.7% demonstrated pleural effusion and 1.4% demonstrated atelectasis. There was no report of concomitant disease in 71.1% of patients; among the remainder, 17.5% had other respiratory tract diseases. Regarding the type of treatment, 76.6% received home treatment and 23.4% required hospitalization. Respiratory failure occurred in 3.9% of patients; there was an association between age group and respiratory failure (p<0.001), and the group of children under one year of age presented a risk 10 times higher than the group of 5 to 14 years old (RCP=10.02). No deaths were reported.
Pneumonia was the second cause of care at the Unit. Despite being a tertiary hospital, uncomplicated pneumonias were more frequent, which can be explained by the better living conditions and ease of access to health services in the region studied.
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SEADE. Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Disponível em: