maternal death, risk factors, reproductive medicineAbstract
Despite the general trend of decreasing maternal mortality in this century, resulting from advances in obstetric practice, anesthesia, medications, hemotherapy and laboratories, it still remains high in most developing countries.
Due to the almost total lack of knowledge about the factors determining the occurrence of maternal deaths, it was considered opportune to study the factors associated with these deaths.
The death certificates of women between 10 and 49 years of age, residing in the city of Campinas, who died between 1985 and 1991, were analyzed. For the 62 confirmed cases of maternal death, information was collected regarding socioeconomic conditions, pregnancy , childbirth, the postpartum period and death. These data were compared to those of a control group of 248 pregnant women who were hospitalized in the same period and who did not die, with a case-control study design. For each factor studied, the risk was estimated using the Odds Ratio and its respective 95% CI, followed by a non-conditional logistic regression analysis.
Maternal deaths were more associated with high maternal age, the type of health insurance through private or private insurance, the detection of complications during prenatal care and birth by cesarean section.
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