Perinatal Lithium Treatment Effects On Learning And Memory In Rats


  • Márcia Cristina Guilherme
  • Anna Augusta Varriano
  • Vilma Aparecida da Silva
  • Nacy Airoldi Teixeira


lithium, perinatal treatment, behavior, learning, memory, rats, pregnancy


Lithium (Li•) is the most appropriate therapy for the prophylaxis of bipolar patients during pregnancy and the postpartum period. However, its impact on behavior in offspring has been little studied.
To evaluate possible changes in the cognitive development of female puppies after perinatal treatment with lithium in prophylactic doses.

Wistar rats were treated with LiCI or NaCI 10mM/L solution, ad libitum, as the sole source of drinking during pregnancy and lactation. After birth, cross-adoption of the puppies was applied, forming the experimental groups (10 litters each): 1) Control - saline during the pre- and post-natal periods; 2) LiPos - Li+ during the postnatal period; 3) Li Pré - Li• during the prenatal period; 4) Li - Li+ during the pre- and postnatal periods. The pups (one per litter) were subjected to the following learning and memory tests in adulthood: escape test (TF), signaled active avoidance (EAS) and passive avoidance (PE). The open field test (AC) was used to evaluate the exploratory activity.

Significant differences were found only in the EP response in the Li group (Li=24.4% x Control=70.1%, Anova & Student - Newman-Keuls; **p<0.01).
The results suggest that exposure to lithium during development may have lasting effects on learning, such as acquisition and attention. Exposure during pregnancy and lactation was necessary to produce detectable effects in adult rats. Further studies are needed to investigate the neural circuits affected by perinatal exposure to lithium.


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How to Cite

Guilherme, M. C., Varriano, A. A., Silva, V. A. da, & Teixeira, N. A. (2003). Perinatal Lithium Treatment Effects On Learning And Memory In Rats. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 12(3). Retrieved from



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