Tooth Black Stains
bacteroides melaninogenicus, pigmentationAbstract
This work aims to review the literature and report a clinical case of black spots, possibly caused by Bacillus that produces black pigments. It is believed that the presence of the melaninogenic Prevotella bacteria is essential for this type of stain to appear on tooth enamel, being in greater quantity in the microflora of children with this pigmentation. These extrinsic stains are being associated with the rate of caries, oral hygiene and the etiology of periodontal disease. The clinical case presented is that of a child with black pigmentation on the enamel, mainly on the lingual surfaces of the lower anterior teeth, also affecting other teeth in the oral cavity in a milder way. The treatment took place through education and motivation of the mother and child regarding hygiene and consequent prophylaxis with a bicarbonate jet.
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