The use of anthropometry as a method of evaluation Of the body composition in pediatrics


  • Renato Katchadur Telles
  • Antonio de Azevedo Barros Filho


Anthropometry, body composition, fat free mass, fat mass, child


The study of body composition has been rapidly improving nowadays due to its various applicability and also due to the understanding that the use of weight and height measurements in isolation does not allow for a more detailed assessment of a child's growth and nutritional status. . This article aims to describe the anthropometry methods used to assess body composition and how these methods are obtained, as well as describe the use of anthropometry to assess the body composition of children; discuss the uses and limits of anthropometry and discuss advantages and disadvantages in using anthropometry to assess body composition. To this end, bibliographical research was carried out using electronic databases as well as anthropometry reference manuals. It was concluded that despite technological developments, anthropometry maintains its importance in assessing body composition, being a good method for population assessment and its use should be encouraged in public health to monitor the growth and development of children.


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How to Cite

Telles, R. K., & Barros Filho, A. de A. (2003). The use of anthropometry as a method of evaluation Of the body composition in pediatrics. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 12(4). Retrieved from


