A New Proposal For Filtered Speech And Binaural Fusion Tests


  • Francisco Canindé Rosário da Silva Araújo
  • Elizabeth Oliveira Crepaldi de Almeida
  • Keyla Moraes Martinez
  • Elisete Fidelis
  • Mariene Terumi Umeoka Hidaka


central auditory processing, filtered speech, binaural fusion


This work proposes to implement and evaluate filtered speech and binaural fusion tests in Brazil, using digital voice signal processing techniques for filtering. These techniques allow for more abrupt filtering without introducing phase distortions into the filtered signal. After filtering, the signals were applied to adult individuals with normal hearing and without significant otological history, using phonetically balanced words from Brazilian Portuguese. The results were consistent with the existing literature, however, more research is needed, both with normal and pathological individuals, so that we can analyze the sensitivity and effectiveness of this technique in evaluating Central Auditory Processing.


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How to Cite

Araújo, F. C. R. da S., Almeida, E. O. C. de, Martinez, K. M., Fidelis, E., & Hidaka, M. T. U. (2004). A New Proposal For Filtered Speech And Binaural Fusion Tests. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 13(1). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1238



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