Cervical Esophagogastric Anastomosis With Mechanical Suture In Patients With Advanced Megaesophagus
esophagus, stapler, achalasiaAbstract
To evaluate the complications of cervical esophagogastric anastomosis with mechanical suture.
We studied 20 patients with megaesophagus grades III/IV who underwent transmediastinal esophagectomy, with ages ranging from 31 to 68 years. Transit reconstruction was performed by gastric transposition and with anastomosis in the cervical region, performed with the DHC device nº 25/29 mm.
Three patients (15%) presented clinical complications, resulting in pneumonia, but progressed well with clinical treatment. Another three patients (15%) had dehiscence of the cervical gastric esophageal anastomosis, with good evolution under conservative treatment. Two of these patients, plus another without a fistula, developed cervical anastomosis stenosis; however, with endoscopic dilations, they returned to normal swallowing.
In this study, it was concluded that mechanical suturing is viable as it presents complications with low morbidity and good resolution. However, it is necessary to carry out a comparative study with the manual technique to evaluate which procedure would be the most appropriate.
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