The Precocious Contact Mother-Child And Its Contribution To The Success Of Breast Feeding
mother-child relations, precocious contact, suction, breast-feedingAbstract
In the search for better rates of exclusive breastfeeding, we came across the document entitled "Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding" from the World Health Organization, which specifies the 1st essential steps to ensure the success of breastfeeding programs. exclusive breastfeeding. This article surveys the bibliographical references that address the 4th step of the aforementioned document, "skin-to-skin contact and sucking in the first half hour of the newborn's life", and relate it to exclusive breastfeeding. Such references include analyzes of the peculiar functioning, in newborns, of some systems of the human organism and evidence on the damage caused by the premature introduction of artificial milk into babies' diets.
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