Use Of Fundal Height Curve In Prenatal Care


  • Djacyr Magda Cabral Freire
  • Cláudio Sérgio Medeiros Paiva
  • Edméia de Almeida Cardoso Coelho


fundal height, prenatal care, fetal growth, gestational age


The objective of this review is to highlight the importance of measuring fundal height in prenatal care. It contextualizes prenatal care in relation to the reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality and in relation to the prevention of fetal growth restriction. It historically rescues the use of measuring uterine height, in a period that goes from the 18th century to the 20th century. It demonstrates, for primary care sectors for pregnant women, the value of measuring fundal height and the use of the fundal height curve by gestational age, to identify fetuses at risk of having low birth weight. It describes the conclusions of several studies, in different countries, valuing the use of uterine height curves, and alerting to the need to standardize the technique for measuring uterine height, as well as the use of reference standards suitable for each population, to obtain of better results. It also discusses the technical and methodological aspects of the curve standardized by the Ministry of Health, warning of the possible limitations of using fundal height curves constructed with data from ethnically distinct populations. In conclusion, it highlights the recommendation of the studies cited, to construct fundal height curves by gestational age, based on data from population groups that are more homogeneous in relation to the target population.


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How to Cite

Freire, D. M. C., Paiva, C. S. M., & Coelho, E. de A. C. (2004). Use Of Fundal Height Curve In Prenatal Care. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 13(4). Retrieved from


