Enteric Parasitosis In Aids/HIV-Positive Out-Patients And The Domestic Water Supply
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, food hygiene, parasitic diseasesAbstract
People with HIV/AIDS constitute a high-risk group for contracting intestinal infections transmitted through water and food. The objective of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in a sample of outpatients and investigate the home availability of treated water.
To this end, medical records from medical records of HIV/AIDS patients related to parasitological fecal examinations carried out between January 2000 and December 2002 were used as a source of information, as well as information on the household availability of treated water.
A total of 201 people with HIV/AIDS were included in the study. Among these patients, 95 (47.3%) were infected with at least 1 parasite. The incidence was 22.4% (45) for Ascaris lumbricoides, 17.9% (36) for Endolimax nana, 17.9% (36) for Entamoeba coli, 4.5% (9) for Strongyloides stercoralis, 3.0 % (6) for Entamoeba hystolitica, 2.5% (5) for Giardia lamblia, 2.0% (4) for Hymenolepis nana and 1.0% (2) for Trichuris trichiura. 95.5% of patients reported that their homes were connected to the collective treated water supply network. These results confirm the high prevalence of enteroparasitosis in HIV/AIDS patients. This study highlights the need to increase the availability of information for people with HIV/AIDS, about food hygiene and about infections acquired through water and food.
It is concluded that educational interventions in food safety should be a priority in the dietary treatment of HIV-positive patients, aiming to protect this group, known to be vulnerable, from intestinal parasites.
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