
  • Renata Zaccaria
  • Egle Couto
  • Ricardo Barini
  • Joyce Maria Annicchino-Bizzacchi
  • José Carlos Gama da Silva
  • João Luiz Pinto e Silva


spontaneous abortion, Leiden factor V, stillbirth, prothrombin, thrombophilia


Fetal losses and other pregnancy complications have been associated with maternal thrombosis. Inherited thrombophilia factors are possible causes for these events. To evaluate the association between inherited thrombophilia and gestational losses

A retrospective cohort study included 42 women patients at the Hematology ambulatory, who were carriers of Leiden factor V (Group 1 ) and 94 women without this factor, patients at the Family Planning ambulatory (Group 2). Personal history of gestational losses and personal and familiar history of thromboembolic disease were Énvestigated on clinical charts and by phone interviews. Descriptive analyses were carried out by using frequency tables, and position and dispersion measurements. To check for associations or to compare proportions. the Chi-square or the Fisher exact tests were used

There were no statistical differences between studied groups on the occurrence of stillbirth. In Group 1, of 109 pregnanctes, 26.6% ended as abortion. In Group 2, of 226 pregnancies, 9.6% ended as abortÊon (p<0.0001). Women from Group
1 had a higher prevalence of recurrent abortion and familiar history of thromboembolic events (p<0,0001 ). They were heterozygous Leiden factor V carriers, and three of them were also carriers of heterozygous G20210A mutation
in prothrombin gene

The frequency of spontaneous abortion and recurrent abortion was higher in carriers of inherited thrombophiIÊc factors, and these women showed a higher tendency to personal thromboembolic events.


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How to Cite

Zaccaria, R., Couto, E., Barini, R., Annicchino-Bizzacchi, J. M., Silva, J. C. G. da, & Silva, J. L. P. e. (2005). LEIDEN FACTOR V AND G2021 OA IN RECURRENT SPONTANEOUS ABORTION AND STILLBIRTH. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(1). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1190



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