
  • Natalia Sachs Schwartzmann
  • Felipe Cardoso dos Santos
  • Ernandes Bernardinelli


pain, swimmer, shoulder, athletic injuries


The is a theoretical study, based on bibliographical research, of the main causes of pain in the shou/ders of high-performance swimmers, and the probable preventive physiotherapeutic programs that are suggested to be developed simultaneously with these athletes' training. The causes of such pain are usua!ly re!ated to highly repetitive motions and to an unbalance on the swimmer's anatomic structures, due to great extension and intensity of training, poor stroke mechanics, lack or excess of flexibility, proprioceptive deficit, exclusive training of the agonist's musc/es, and many other reasons. The more common swimmer athletes' injuries are caused by compression of the subacromial structures: the tendon of supraspinatus muscle, the long head of bíceps' tendon, and the bursa. We believe that physiotherapy can prevent the shoulder's pain of these swimmers through stretching exercises, the use of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation technique, strengthening exercises of the specific musc/es, and proprioceptive work, thus allowing better sportive and training performances.


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How to Cite

Schwartzmann, N. S., Santos, F. C. dos, & Bernardinelli, E. (2005). SHOULOER PAIN IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE SWIMMERS: POSSIBLE PREVENTIVE PHYSIOTHERAPY INTERVENTIONS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(2). Retrieved from


