
  • Arnaldo de França Caldas Dias
  • Kátia Urbano Caldas
  • Marcia Regiane Martins de Oliveira
  • Adrijane Alves de Amorim
  • Paulo Marcelo de Freitas Barros


edentulism, dental care for aged, oral health, tooth loss



The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of edentulism on the qua!ity of life of institutionalized and non-institutionalized e/der!y people in the city of Recife, Brazi/.


A cross-sectiona! study was made of individuais aged 60 years and over. To determine the size of the samp!e, a 50% prevalence of edentu!ism in the population was presumed. A confidence leve! of 95% and estimated errar of 5% were adopted. The Epi lnfo program determined that a samp!e size of 217 e/der!y persons shou!d be used proportiona!ly stratified, in the first phase, between the institutionalized and the non-institutionalized. ln the second phase, each group was proportionally stratified according to the number living in each o/d peop/e's home and those not !iving in such institutions.


Altogether 198 individuais took part in the study, of whom 11 7 (59. 10%) be!onged to the non-institutionalized group. There was a !oss of 8.76% of the samp/e at the end of the study. The data was co//ected by means of a clinica/ examination performed by two preca!ibrated examiners. The percentage of edentulism among the institutionalized e!derly was 59.30% and amongst those non-institutionalized, it was 51.30%. When the individuais in both groups were asked whether any problems with their mouth, teeth or prosthesis over the past six months had impacted on their daily tives, 40.00% replied that they had.


The resu!ts demonstrated a substantia! preva!ence of limitation of function among the study population, particularly amongst those resident in o/d people's homes, indicating the need to adopt strategies for promoting general and oral health, targeted at the elderly.


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How to Cite

Caldas Dias, A. de F., Caldas, K. U., Oliveira, M. R. M. de, Amorim, A. A. de, & Barros, P. M. de F. (2005). IMPACT OF EDENTULISM ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(3). Retrieved from



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