
  • Rodrigo Sanches Cunha
  • Carlos Eduardo Fontana
  • Cláudia Fernandes de Magalhães Silveira
  • Kenner Bruno Miguita
  • Alexandre Sigrist De Martin
  • Carlos Eduardo da Siveira Bueno


endodontics, molar, mesial moviment of teeth, mandibular first molar, variable anatomy


As a result of the advent of the visual magnification and increased luminosity provided by the Operative Microscope, c//nicians are increasingly reporting the incidence of previous!y unnoticed root canais that frequently /ed to a !ack of success in endodontic therapy. One of the most evident cases is that of the mandibular molars, particularly the mesial root, where, between the we/1-known mesiobucca/ and mesio!ingua! canais, a canal called the midd/e mesial canal has been observed. This study reports a clinica! case showing the presence of the middle mesial canal anda !iterature review concerning the incidence of this canal.


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How to Cite

Cunha, R. S., Fontana, C. E., Silveira, C. F. de M., Miguita, K. B., Martin, A. S. D., & Bueno, C. E. da S. (2005). MIDDLE MESIAL CANAL OF THE FIRST MANDIBULAR MOLAR. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(4). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1169



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