
  • Mirian Martins Gomes
  • Ana Paula Pereira Thiapó de Lima
  • Luciane de Souza Valente da Silva
  • Danielle Frias Lento
  • Gisele Gonçalves de Souza
  • Cláudia Saunders
  • Rejane Andréa Ramalho


vitamin A, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, low weight, retinopath of prematurity, antioxidants


Bronchopulmonary dysp/asia is a chronic pulmonary disease which can be triggered by severa/ factors such as infection, barotrauma, extra-uterine pulmonary maturation, reactive oxygen species and nutritional deficiency Hypovitaminosis A is the deficiency most associated with this disease due to its role in cel/u/ar differentiation and repair of pulmonary injuries. The low hepatic vitamin A reserves of premature newborn and underweight infants, al/ied to their physiological immaturity, makes them more susceptible to hypovitaminosis A and to the deve/opment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. With the objective of investigating evidence for the role of vitamin A supp/ementation in preventing ar helping in the treatment of bronchopulmonary dysp/asia, a literature survey was carried out using the Medline and Lilacs databases for the last 20 years (1984-2004). The results did not define a standard treatment for bronchopulmonary dysp/asia neither for the mode of administration of the vitamin A nor for the dosage. Ooubts remained about the best via to administer the supplement and especially about the dosage, due to the risks arising from a possible toxicity of excessive doses of vitamin A.


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How to Cite

Gomes, M. M., Lima, A. P. P. T. de, Silva, L. de S. V. da, Lento, D. F., Souza, G. G. de, Saunders, C., & Ramalho, R. A. (2005). VITAMINA ANO BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(5). Retrieved from


