
  • Maria Bernadete Carvalho de Oliveira
  • Carla Cristina Enes
  • Carolina Reinaldo de Sousa
  • Daniela Della Roza Desani
  • Renata Pilot Muniz
  • Elisabete Salay


feeding behavior, consumer advocacy, nutrition education



The purpose of this paper was to evaluate consumer information about the concepts of diet and light food products, their main reason for purchasing such products and which information on the label the consumers considered most important.


The present study was exploratory. A pre-tested questionnaire was used consisting of nine structured and semi-structured questions regarding the concepts of diet and light food products, purchasing practices of this type of product and the socioeconomic and demographic characterization of consumers. One hundred consumers were interviewed in two grocery stores in the city of Campinas in August of 2003. Basic descriptive statistics were calcu/ated for the responses.


Despite the fact that the interviewees demonstrated good know/edge of the concept of light food, the resu/ts showed that 64% of the sample interviewed did not have concomitant knowledge of the concepts of diet and light food products. The most mentioned reason for purchasing such products was a concern for their health and the greater part considered the expiration date to be the item of greatest concern on the label.


The results of the present research suggest there is a Jack of consumer information about special foods. This fact allied to the observation that concern about health was the main reason for purchasing these products, indicates the need for the public sector to implement and/or strengthen public information campaigns about these questions.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. B. C. de, Enes, C. C., Sousa, C. R. de, Desani, D. D. R., Muniz, R. P., & Salay, E. (2005). LEVEL OF CONSUMER INFORMATION ABOUT DIET ANO LIGHT FOOD PROOUCTS IN GROCERY STORES IN CAMPINAS, SP, BRAZIL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(5). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1155



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