
  • Shirley Nunes dos Santos
  • Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
  • Belmiro Gonçalves Pereira


anemia sickle cell, perinatal care, pregnancy



To evaluate the maternal-fetal complications presented by pregnant women with sick/e ce/1 disease, doing their pre-nata/ check-ups in the specialized pre-nata/ outpatients department of the Women's Health Center of the State University of Campinas, between January 2002 and July 2004.


The data were co//ected on a pre-codified form and analyzed using the Epi lnfo

6.0 program. Of the seven women with sick/e-ce/l anemia, six presented the homozygous form and one the double heterozygous form. Six of the women were negresses and one a ha/f-cast.


The seven women showed changes in their clinica! evolution during pregnancy, but no maternal ar neonatal deaths occurred.


lt was concluded that maternal complications are more likely to occur in this popu/ation, but good prenatal care and contrai of the disease can improve the outcome.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. N. dos, Surita, F. G. de C., & Pereira, B. G. (2005). MATERNAL ANO PERINATAL OUTCOMES IN WOMEN WITH ANEMIA SICKLE CELL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(5). Retrieved from



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