
  • Iara Bittante de Oliveira
  • Beatriz Brechesi Servilha
  • Lúcia Aparecida Ferreira
  • Tatiana da Silva Bastos
  • Vanessa de Oliveira Freire
  • José Francisco Salles Chagas


voice disorders, head and neck neoplasms, quality of life



The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life of patients who underwent surgical procedures to remove malignant tumors of the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity.


Thirty five patients, both ma/e and female, ranging in age from 51 to 70 years, were randomly selected for this study. The patients attended the Head and Neck Service of a University Hospital of Campinas city and were a/so being assisted by the speech-language service. They verbal/y answered questions related to: pain and se/f perception of their looks, difficulties regarding feeding, chewing, swal/owing; sa/ivation, saliva collecting contrai, and possible speech problems and changes in daily routine and /eisure activity leveis.


Most of the patients were males, aging between 51 and 60 years and the time after surgery procedures ranged from one to five years. From ai! the questions answered orally, three showed changes in quality of /ife: chewing, swallowing and speech difficulties, interfering with the speech intelligibility.


From the data collected, it was evident that speech-language assistance should be provided as soon as possible for head and neck cancer patients aiming at minimizing the post-surgica/ impact.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, I. B. de, Servilha, B. B., Ferreira, L. A., Bastos, T. da S., Freire, V. de O., & Chagas, J. F. S. (2005). QUALITY OF LIFE IN TREATED PATIENTS OF HEAD ANO NECK CANCER. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(6). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/cienciasmedicas/article/view/1145



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