
  • Francisco Hélio Rodrigues Júnior
  • Leonardo Parente de Carvalho
  • Luiz Barbosa de Oliveira
  • Arnaldo de França Caldas Júnior
  • Cecília Thereza Alcantara Manzi


dental caries, edentulism, incidence, geriatric dentistry



The purpose of this cohort study was to determine the incidence of dental caries and edentulism in a cohort of elderly people living in 5 public asylums in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.


The individuais who took part in the prevalence study of 2001 were re-examined. Fifty-six elderly people participated in the study, but ali those who were unab/e to undergo a clinica/ examination due to some cognitive, verbal or physical limitation were excluded. The dependent variables adopted were edentulism and dental caries. The gender and age group of the elderly were analyzed as independent variab/es. ln arder to meet the requirements of accuracy of the results, a standardization of the criteria of examination and diagnosis was conducted between examiners. A pilot study was carried out with twelve senior individuais to perform calibration and test the essential variab!es for the study Agreement between the gold standard and the examiners was achieved using the Kappa index, presenting means of 0.71 (ranging from 0.60 to 0.82) and 0.73 (ranging

from 0.46 to 1.00) respectively


One hundred and two elder!y participated in the initial prevalence study, but there was a 45. 1 % /oss of the samp/e and three dental records were excluded from the statistical analysis because the data was incomplete. There was a /ow prevalence of tooth loss, the mean number of lost teeth at the first and second examinations were 28. 78 e 29.32, respective/y. There was no incidence of carious teeth.


These findings show that the resu/ts of longitudinal studies with the e/derly should be analyzed with caution, since the Jack of oral health care means that the percentage of carious teeth diminishes, hence an increased percentage of edentulism.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Júnior, F. H., Carvalho, L. P. de, Oliveira, L. B. de, Caldas Júnior, A. de F., & Manzi, C. T. A. (2006). INCIDENCE OF DENTAL CARIES ANO EDENTULISM IN THE ELDERLY LIVING IN RECIFE, PERNAMBUCO, BRAZIL. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(1). Retrieved from



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