tracheal intubation, cuff pressure, tracheal tubeAbstract
The endotracheal tube cuff is used to prevent gas leak and a/so aspiration of oropharyngeal contents through the interface trachea and endotracheal tube in mechanically ventilated patients. Some authors recognize that the intra-cuff pressure has to be frequently calibrated to maintain the values between 18 and 22mmHg in arder to avoid andlor minimize the damage in the tracheal wa/1 and also to prevent aspiration of oropharyngeal contents. Since these measure gauges are very expensive, the intra-cuff pressure can be ca/ibrated connecting a three way tap in the air valve of the pilot tube of the endotracheal tube, one of the other two entries connected with the sphygmomanometer of the co/umn of mercury, without the cuff, and the third connection to a 5ml syringe. This way the intra-cuff pressure can be adjusted by manipulating the syringe. This set of pieces is approximately 300 times cheaper than the specific gauge for this procedure.
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