
  • Aline Cristina Campregher
  • Cinthia Simes Moretti
  • Michelle Sampaio
  • Karina Magalhães Brasio


stress, galvanic skin response, lrritable Bowel Syndrome



This study evaluates and compares the intensity of the galvanic resistance of the skin (autonomic reply) of patients with lrritable Bowel Syndrome and healthy individuais.


The participants of this study were divided into two distinct groups, one experimental and another contrai, with 16 peop!e in each. Data collection occurred individually in 1O distinct measures, performed week!y with the use of the ga!vanic measurer of resistance of the skin (Device of Biofeedback). Measurements took 3 minutes and were recorded in the form of graphs.


The resu!ts were ana!yzed by comparing ai! the intra and intergroup measurements in the different moments. Data of this study show that one of the components regu!ated by the autonomous nervous system - galvanic resistance of the skin - is not compromised in patients with irritab!e bowel syndrome when compared with healthy individuais.


We suggest that more research is done with a higher number of patients and a broader eva!uation of the somatoform autonomic responses, in arder to improve the understanding of the etio!ogy of this disease.


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How to Cite

Campregher, A. C., Moretti, C. S., Sampaio, M., & Brasio, K. M. (2006). BIOFEEOBACK ANO GALVANIC RESISTANCE OF THE SKIN: MEASURES IN PATIENTS WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNOROME ANO IN HEALTHY INOIVIOUALS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(3). Retrieved from



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