chronic lateral ankle instability, surgical treatment, ankle sprains, BrostrômAbstract
Spraining of the ankle's lateral complex are /esions that occur frequently during the practice of sports activities. The anterior fibulotalar !igament is most commonly affected and usual!y responds we/1 to non-surgical treatment. The patients that present pain and chronic instability usually require surgery. The purpose of this study was to eva!uate the patients who underwent the Brostrôm's technique with chronic lateral ankle instability.
Twenty patients were analyzed at the Maternity Hospital Celso Piero. Eleven women and nine men, with an average age of 32. 7 years, presenting chronic lateral instability were submitted to surgery using the Brostrôm's technique. A clinica! ana!ysis of the patients was dane at the moment of the surgical indication and one year after the procedure. The parameters analyzed were based on the protocols established by the American Orthopaedics Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) and Maryland Foot Score.
The post-operative scores showed an increase of zero to 64 points, with an average of 25. 1 points according to the American Orthopaedics Foot and Ankle Society protocol. An increase of zero to 45 points, with the average of
14.6 points was observed using the Maryland Foot Scores, being 14 results classified as excel/ent (70%), five as effective (25%) and one as regular (5%).
The Brostrôm's technique therefore presents good results for the surgica/ treatment of chronic lateral instabi/ities of the ankle.
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