
  • Livia Gobby Amstalden-Mendes
  • Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes


breast feeding, bottle feeding, cleft lip, cleft palate


Cleft lip, with our without cleft palate, and iso/ated cleft palate are the second most common birth defect, affecting around 1 in every 1,000 newborns. The medical, social, and physhological impacts, as we/1 as the significative morbity caused by these conditions, are ai/ relevant. ln addition to the need of a multiprofessional team for a long-term treatment, the first urgent challenge is posed by the neonata/ feeding period. The objective of this paper was to review the literature on intercurrent problems in the feeding process of chi/dren with cleft lip/pa/ate, in arder to describe the resources avai/able for minimizing the difficulties of such process and he/p the hea/th professionals to improve the general and nutritional deve/opment of children with such congenital defects. This article is structured into topics, which discuss the anatomic and functional aspects that directly interfere in the feeding process, as we/1 as other aspects, such as the intercurrent feeding disorders, and the feeding techniques for patients with each type of cleft lip!palate. Feeding a chi/d with any of these congenita/ defects is a real and urgent problem for both the chi/d and the family. lnitial care, which particularly refers to the case of newborns, is the responsibility of health professionals. This article contributes to providing parents and family members with information regarding the primary care required in feeding a newborn with cleft lip/palate.


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How to Cite

Amstalden-Mendes, L. G., & Gil-da-Silva-Lopes, V. L. (2006). CLEFT LIP ANO (OR) PALATE: FEEDING RESOURCES PRIOR TO CORRECTIVE SURGERY. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(5). Retrieved from


