
  • Marilda Emmauel Novaes Lipp
  • José Franscico kerr Saraiva
  • Abrahão Afiune Neto
  • Jayme Diament
  • Ivan Romero Rivera
  • Maria Adelayde Mendonça da Silva


adolescent, atherosclerosis, life style, stress psychological


Childhood and adolescent atherosc!erosis, frequently associated with obesity, has been the focus of international studies that try to understand its development. Given its serious consequences, childhood and adolescent atherosc!erosis not only demands multidisciplinary preventive actions that are capable of reducing the already very we/1 identified risk factors, such as obesity, smoking, inactivity and familia! hypercholesterolemia - just to mention some - but also calls for the contrai of factors that have not been clearly identified but that can contribute to its pathogenesis. Psychological factors and emotional stress are among the variables that are not yet fully known but neverthe/ess could be involved in the development of atherosclerosis. ln this article, the authors discuss the psychological aspects invo!ved in the prevention of atherosc!erosis and emphasize the need for a dramatic change in lifestyle, which inc!udes changing the leveis of physica/ activity and eating habits and finding ways to fight or avoid stress. lnadequate habits employed as strategies to cope with excessive emotional stress, such as binge eating and others, should be targeted for preventive actions in childhood and adolescence and substituted by adequate coping strategies that have lower leveis of risk. Health care professionals need to be watchful for these additional factors that can contribute to the development of atherosc!erotic disease. This work was compiled during the discussion phase of the "/ Guideline for Preventing Atherosc/erosis in Childhood and Ado/escence" and served as the basis for the recommendations included in its "Psychological Aspects in Preventing Atherosc!erosis" section.


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How to Cite

Lipp, M. E. N., Saraiva, J. F. kerr, Afiune Neto, A., Diament, J., Rivera, I. R., & Silva, M. A. M. da. (2006). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PREVENTING ATHEROSCLEROSIS IN CHILDREN ANO ADOLESCENTS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(6). Retrieved from


