
  • Carolina de Oliveira Tacalino Walter-Porto
  • Luciano Pereira Rosa
  • Lawrenne Ide Kohatsu
  • Rafaela Rangel Rosa
  • Edmundo Medici-Filho
  • Luiz Cesar de Moraes
  • Mari Eli Leonelli de Moraes
  • Julio Cezar de Melo Castilho


endodontics, radiography, technology



The objective of this study was to adapt vertical angles to an extraoral radiographic technique using periapica/ radiographic film so that it can be used in an easy and simple manner.


Eleven macerated skulls with their respective mandibles were used. Four 1 centimeter stainless steel wires were fixed in the interproximal spaces of the posterior teeth. A protractor was employed to establish the bisector angle between the teeth and the film. A mathematic formula allowed the determination of the vertical angulations for each region. The radiographic images were digitized and measured by specific computer software (UTHSCSA lmage Too/). The statistic analysis employed the "t" Student test.


A difference of 0.477 mi/limeters between the actual length of the stainless steel wire and its image was found in our study and this difference was not clinical/y significant.


Besides the advantage of not affecting the diagnostic quality of the radiograph significantly, the extraoral technique can a/so be efficiently used in a select group of patients.


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How to Cite

Walter-Porto, C. de O. T., Rosa, L. P., Kohatsu, L. I., Rosa, R. R., Medici-Filho, E., Moraes, L. C. de, … Castilho, J. C. de M. (2006). ALTERNATIVE RAOIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE FOR ENDODONTIC TREATMENT. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(6). Retrieved from



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