Evaluatíon of the antíbacteríal actívíty of adhesíve systems associated wíth propolís and antíbiotics on S. mutans
Dentin-bonding agents, Anti-bacterial agents, DentistryAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the antibacterial activity of two adhesive systems (Excite and Prime Bond) associated with propolis extract 5% or antibiotics (metronidazole, ciprof!oxacin and cefaclor- 1 % each) against 5. mutans.
5ix groups were evaluated: G1 contrai group: Excite; G2 contrai group: Prime & Bond; G3: Excite associated with propolis 5%; G4: Excite associated with antibiotics; GS: Prime & Bond associated with propolis 5%; G6: Prime & Bond associated with antibiotics. Müller-Hinton (MH) plates were sown with bacterial suspension and O. 1mL of each sample was placed in felt barren records and they were transferred into the MH plates. The procedure was made in triplicate. The plates were incubated in anaerobiose for five days. The inhibition zone of bacterial growth was measured (in millimeters) by an only reader duly trained.
Arithmetic means and standard devidation were: Excite (O ± O); Prime & Bond (O
± O); Excite associated with propolis 5% (O± O); Excite associated with antibiotics (9 ± O); Prime & Bond associated with propolis 5% (O ± O); Prime & Bond associated with antibiotics (1, 66 ± 0,57). The adhesive systems Excite, Prime & Bond, Excite associated with propolis 5% and Prime & Bond associated with propolis 5% did not presented antimicrobial effect against S. mutans.
The adhesive system Excite associated with antibiotics presented the highest inhibition zone against S. mutans with statistical!y significant differences (p<O,05) when compared to Excite, Prime & Bond, Excite associated with propo!is 5% and Prime & Bond associated with propo!is 5% .
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